Ah, The Lost Boys, a classic cult movie from the late ’80s which put several stars on the map including Keiffer Sutherland, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, and Jason Patric. To this day it’s still one of my favorite movies from my youth. The Lost Boys was a weird mix of cool pop culture, humor and a little bit of horror. It had a great (if cheesy now) soundtrack and essentially it captured the imaginations of the youth of that time period.
Now over 30 years since that movie released and after several low-budget and low-quality sequels, thanks to Deadline, we have discovered The CW has ordered a TV Pilot for The Lost Boys. The idea was first floated during the 2016/2017 development season, written by Rob Thomas, but at the time not ordered to pilot. However, it appears those in charge over at The CW were always keen to explore this further down the road and after a take by writer Heather Mitchell (Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy) got everyone excited, they decided to greenlight a pilot episode.
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Here is the basic synopsis for what to expect from this adaptation.
Welcome to sunny seaside Santa Carla, home to a beautiful boardwalk, all the cotton candy you can eat…and a secret underworld of vampires. After the sudden death of their father, two brothers move to Santa Carla with their mother, who hopes to start anew in the town where she grew up. But the brothers find themselves drawn deeper and deeper into the seductive world of Santa Carla’s eternally beautiful and youthful undead.
It appears like the show will be a reboot and come in at the same point the original movie did with the brothers first arriving in Santa Carla. Here’s the thing, I really don’t care for this idea at all, and the fact this is being developed as a show on The CW written by the writer who penned Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy fills me with extreme fear.
In all honesty, maybe The Lost Boys would have been better if it was left as just that one standalone movie, it was and is a self-contained story that doesn’t need a second part. So I guess the smart move here is to reboot the whole story in a long-form version of the story. But at the same time, I can see this ending up like every other generic network TV show out there.
I’m guessing we get a fabulously attractive young cast who don’t violently kill people for food on screen because they won’t do R Rated. Likely they won’t have the race against time aspect of the movie with Michael’s conversion because you can’t do that over 23 episodes. I just envision something more like Twilight for TV.
I just shake my head at times with this industry, if you want to make a show about Vampires, then make a show about Vampires with an original idea. Instead, they are banking on the name of The Lost Boys to persuade audiences to check it out and they don’t have to worry about the basic plot, because it’s the same as the movie was. The first episode practically writes itself.
Now, if you told me Netflix had just commissioned a 10 part reboot of The Lost Boys, or HBO etc, then I’d be sitting here getting all hyped at what they could do with this. Whereas, right now I am just wondering how many seasons it will run for before it gets canceled and how they will keep resetting the characters every season. In all honesty that’s what I see from other shows on network TV that suffer from having to stretch their stories out across a full network season, with no idea what comes after because each season is greenlit only on a yearly basis. It’s an old fashioned way to tell stories and I think you have a younger generation who just won’t watch that kind of content.
Now, perhaps I’m being fairly cynical and unfair to a show which we have seen nothing of yet. However, that’s honestly how I feel about it, and unless word of mouth for this show is through the roof when it eventually hits TV screens, then this is one fan of The Lost Boys who will be staying well clear of the TV show.
Are you excited to see a TV version of The Lost Boys, do you share my concerns or think I’m being unreasonable? Always remember to share your thoughts below, you won’t get sick, you’ll never die, but you must feed.
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SOURCE: Deadline