The MCU Multiverse We Don’t Want, Fan Casting The Fantastic Four, And A Moment Of Failure | LRMornings

MCU Multiverse And Fantastic Four

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Start your day geek with LRMorningsLRM‘s daily morning show with Kyle and a merry band of cohorts. Join them as they discuss entertainment news and all things geek. From Star Wars to comic books and Netflix to Disney+, Video Games to the MCU, and even trips down Memory Lane… We talk about it all! LRMornings is your place for morning entertainment, and sometimes news.

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The Show:

In today’s episode, Kyle and Nick discuss entertainment news including Marvel’s multiverse and the rumors surrounding former Fox studios properties like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four being part of the existing MCU Multiverse. While some may be willing to deal with Spidey stuff from Sony crossing over, nothing other than Deadpool is worth saving from Fox. NOTHING…

“Especially Hugh Jackman.” – Dr. Cox (Scrubs)

Additionally, there are a lot of possibilities for casting Marvel’s First Family and these are also discussed… for some reason.

Also, every Wednesday we are supposed to get a Moment with Jammer segment… However, this week he was fired. From a canon, into space.



We have SO MANY podcasts! Anime-Versal Reviews Podcast covers anime (duh!), LRM’s No Mercy covers Cobra Kai, and the Marvel craze continues with WandaVision reviews on Marvel Multiverse Mondays. Also, classics like BGRtP, The Cantina Podcast, and LRmornings are still going!

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Catch the last episode here:

Question of the day: Do you want the Fox Studios films to remain technical canon via the MCU Multiverse? Who would you cast as the Fantastic Four?

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