That time Sofia Boutella threw Tom Cruise across a forest. Watch this exclusive #TheMummy clip.
— #TheMummy (@themummy) May 23, 2017
For well over a year, we’ve known that Universal has been working behind the scenes to bring a shared universe of monsters to the big screen. Earlier this week, the studio gave this universe a new branding identity in the form of Dark Universe, which will consist of such monsters as The Invisible Man, Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein’s Monster, and of course, The Mummy.
In a couple weeks, we’ll be getting our very first taste of this world with The Mummy, which stars Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella (the latter of whom plays the titular Mummy). This film looks like it’ll be bringing plenty of action-heavy thrills, but we can certainly hope that it’ll bring some old-school chills with it as well. After all, these monsters are more than just your typical cashable brands, they’re HORROR icons on every level.
While the level at which we’ll be seeing said chills has yet to be seen, there’s no doubt the Mummy herself will be plenty scary to the characters in the flick. With her supernatural and otherworldly abilities, she feels more like a force of nature than your typical character, and perhaps it’s in that sense we’ll get some genuine scares. In a clip recently released by Universal Pictures, we get to see what a force of nature this creature is.
The scenes starts out with a van tumbling off the cliff — and with Tom Cruise’s Nick Morton tumbling out of said van as it rolls. Upon crash-landing, we see the Mummy’s silhouette in the distance. Not ready to be taken down without a fight, Nick takes a tree branch and tries to bat her upside the head, only to get launched into the air with a swift punch. Clearly you shouldn’t be bringing a tree branch to a mummy fight.
Below is the official synopsis for The Mummy:
“Thought safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient queen (Sofia Boutella) whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension.
“From the sweeping sands of the Middle East through hidden labyrinths under modern-day London, The Mummy brings a surprising intensity and balance of wonder and thrills in an imaginative new take that ushers in a new world of gods and monsters.”
What did you think of this scene? Does this make you look forward to this film any more? Let us know in the comments down below!
The Mummy hits theaters on June 9, 2017.
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SOURCE: Universal Pictures
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