Eyes have been resting on Tom Cruise’s upcoming film The Mummy for some time now. Ever since Universal announced that they’d be using the film as a launchpad for a shared universe of films, it’s been a project that carried the weight of more than just your average blockbuster. It carried the name of the beloved baddies that graced the silver screen back in the 1930s.
The film hits theaters tomorrow evening in the U.S., and as of this morning, the embargo has officially lifted for the film, and the consensus is…not great. Sad, I know. We always hope that when a universe like this gets kicked off that they do so on the wrong foot, but as of this writing, the majority of critics don’t seem to be on board with what Universal offered in this particular outing.
Overall, the criticism seems to be pretty widespread on nearly every aspect of the film — from Tom Cruise to the other characters, the treatment of the Mummy herself, and a general lifelessness in the action. Our very own Nick Doll was in the minority on this one. While he acknowledged the film had some real faults, he managed to have a good time at the theater, and there are a few others who seem to share his opinion in the idea of “it’s not great, but it’s a good time.”
Check out some choice quotes from some of the outlets down below!
LRM – Nick Doll
“The Mummy is uneven, and a bit anti-climatic, but overall it is an enjoyable time at the movies. The plot makes sense and is easy to follow, the action is mostly fun, most of the humor works, and the film makes great use of Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe. Though Dark Universe does have quite a bit of room for improvement, it is not off to a bad start!”
Entertainment Weekly – Chris Nashawaty
“I’m not sure that this aimless, lukewarm, but occasionally rollicking take on The Mummy is how the studio dreamed that its Dark Universe would kick off. But it’s just good enough to keep you curious about what comes next.”
The Hollywood Reporter – John DeFore
“Sure, it’s hard to muster anything like desire for another Dark Universe flick after seeing this limp, thrill-free debut. But who knows? Maybe shifting gears to a female protagonist in 2019’s Bride of Frankenstein will do the trick.”
Variety – Owen Gleiberman
“As Universal’s new Dark Universe (of which The Mummy is the first installment) unfolds, I wouldn’t hold my breath over which side is going to win, or how many more films it will take to play that out. It’s not just that there isn’t enough at stake (though there isn’t). It’s that the movie doesn’t seem to know how little at stake there is.”
TheWrap – Robert Abele
“When the history of the Franchise Wars is written years from now, 2017’s remake of The Mummy will be spoken of as something resurrected with an eye toward world domination, but ultimately dropped and broken like so much ancient pottery.”
IndieWire – David Ehrlich
“All of this is to say that not only is The Mummy the worst movie that Tom Cruise has ever made, it’s also obviously the worst movie that Tom Cruise has ever made — it stands out like a flat note on a grand piano. It’s not that Cruise hasn’t had misfires before (and between Rock of Ages, Oblivion, and Jack Reacher: Never Stop Never Reaching they’re happening at a faster rate), but The Mummy is the first of his films that doesn’t feel like a Tom Cruise movie. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s that it never could have been good.”
Total Film – Jamie Graham
“The Mummy has little of the deep heartache, sly wit or visual poetry that so distinguished the studio’s ’30s classics, it does deliver enough popcorn thrills to sate viewers who want their entertainment speedy and slick, without a cobweb in sight. To borrow from Frankenstein: it’s alive.”
What do you think of these reviews? Are they disappointing? Will this affect your willingness to see the flick in theaters? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Various
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