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The Punisher Promo: He Had A Family Once

The Punisher series is only a couple weeks from hitting Netflix. It’s been a long time coming, but the man who made a splash in the second season of Daredevil is finally getting his very own series.

Thus far, we’ve seen a couple of trailers for the show, and in addition feeling fittingly violent, it tells a story of a very personal nature. Rather than simply follow Frank Castle knocking off baddies doing bad stuff, this series is set to play out almost like an espionage thriller, with him peeling back the layers of the conspiracy to take him out.

Of course, his story always comes back to one thing: his family, and that becomes very clear in this promo below.

While Frank Castle may not be heartless, he certainly has very little sympathy for those involved on the wrong side of the law — especially if their actions lead to the death of innocents. And rather than let his own experiences keep him from killing those who deserve it, he uses it as fuel.

“Known throughout New York City as The Punisher, Frank Castle must discover the truth about injustices that affect more than his family alone.”

What do you think of this new promo? Let us know down below!

The Punisher hits Netflix on November 17, 2017.

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SOURCE: Marvel/Netflix

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