“Thank you, come again.” Those are the words that have been popularized by The Simpsons. More specifically, they were spoken by Apu, the Indian Kwik-E-Mart owner. For decades, the character has been voiced by the great Hank Azaria, and a couple of years ago, some folks have started to express their discontent with the voice and stereotype the character has brought.
In the past, Azaria has stated his willingness to step aside from the role, and now it sounds like he is effectively doing just that, as Azaria told /Film.
“All we know there is I won’t be doing the voice anymore, unless there’s some way to transition it or something,” Azaria told the outlet. “We all made the decision together. We all agreed on it. We all feel like it’s the right thing and good about it.”
RELATED – The Simpsons Producer On Apu Rumor: ‘[Shankar] Does Not Speak For Our Show’
But what does this mean for the character? Will Apu be dropped or simply recast for future episodes? On that front, it doesn’t sound like they have a plan just yet.
“What they’re going to do with the character is their call,” Azaria said. “It’s up to them and they haven’t sorted it out yet. All we’ve agreed on is I won’t do the voice anymore.”
So, what do you think about this development? Are you happy to see the network move on from Apu or sad? Let us know down below!
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