Before Halloween night back in 2010, Andrew Lincoln was relatively unknown to the mainstream audience. Before that night, Lincoln was best known by Christmas movie lovers for playing Mark in the 2003 romantic-comedy Love Actually, spending every repeated viewing during the Holidays outside a front door with a bunch of huge cards, revealing to Kiera Knightley’s Juliet how much he’s loved her. While Lincoln has acted for years both on screen and on the stage, that was the most recognizable performance of his career.
Then came The Walking Dead and the role of Rick Grimes.
After nine seasons, Lincoln has bid farewell to the series that gave him national recognition. Lincoln’s Grimes, believed to be dead after sacrificing himself for the good of the community, was whisked away in a helicopter thanks Anne aka Jadis and flown off into the unknown. It was revealed by series writer Scott M. Gimple that Lincoln will headline as Grimes in a trilogy of AMC original films due to released in the future, thus continuing the story of the deputy sheriff-turned-survivor leader.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Lincoln talked about his time on the show and what the last episode was like for him:
“I’m so happy. That was one of the great joys. With very little real estate, I thought [showrunner Angela Kang] covered a lot of ground in those five episodes. And then the idea of the bridge, the metaphor for the bridge. I thought that was really smart. And initially, I was kind of cautious about the callback aspects of the hallucinations, and then as soon as the guys walked up, it all made complete sense. And it was a brilliant and beautiful way to finish my tenure on the show.”
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Grimes’ final episode was filed with hallucinations flashing back to moments with Shane (Jon Bernthal), Herschel (the late Scott Wilson) and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green). Lincoln detailed his feelings regarding those scenes. First, returning to the hospital scene as his last shot while Norman Reedus was tickling his feet:
“That’s exactly right. He made me look like a clown on my last day. Well, he made me look like a clown every day, so I was particularly happy that he didn’t change anything up for my last shot. It was a fitting finish, and that was, as I said before, I think the most satisfying two-and-a-half weeks leading in. Episodes 4 and 5, I just loved it, and every single day was big, and sort of grungy, and messy. Just like the way we began it. We sort of finished the way we began it really, and that was incredibly satisfying.”
On working one last time with Scott Wilson before his passing:
“Oh, incredible. He’s one of my favorite people, and one of the greatest thrills of my career, in fact, was working in his 50th year as an actor. And I’ve learned so much from him, and he’s one of the greatest men I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, and will ever have the pleasure of working with.”
On the reunion of Rick and Shane with Jon Bernthal, and working with talented people like Martin-Green and more:
“It was wild. It was like no time had lapsed in an eternity. It was very strange, and then very quickly he rolled up, because I got there really early, and we just hung in our trailer. He’s my brother, man. He set the tone. He and Sarah [Wayne Callies], and Jeff DeMunn, and Frank [Darabont], and everybody set the tone for my work ethic, and I’ve learned so much from working with him, and continue to… I came to America to work with people like Sonequa, and Scott, and Jon Bernthal. And there’s a thousand more I could name, but that’s why I fell in love with film in America because of actors of that quality and that caliber. And so, yeah, to finish in that way, to be able to witness Norman and Danai and Melissa and everybody else, what they did in that episode was remarkable, I thought. And so I walked away happy, which is a rare signal.”
No additional information has been released regarding the next chapter in Grimes’ story arch or when those films will be made and released. Knowing AMC’s history of advertising and marketing of anything in the universe of The Walking Dead, one can bet that when the time comes, the television-viewing public will be well informed of Grimes’ return.
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Source: Entertainment Weekly.