This article shares potential The Wheel of Time changes from book to show in Season 1. These changes come from a leak that was shared online. Now, I will not vouch for the validity of this claimed leak, this is a anew user on Reddit who claims to have watched the full of The Wheel of Time Season 1. There is no true way to verify if this is genuine or not. That being said, the items chosen to point out here are oddly specific, and sometimes, you just get a feeling. I have that feeling with this leak, so if I am wrong, I’m wrong. It has happened before and will happen again.
I also want to point out that this article only has any real relevance for those who have read the books. Nothing mentioned here would constitute a spoiler, for a ‘book reader’. However, if you are planning to watch Wheel of Time fresh, I’m not sure you should be looking at this. Then again, I aint your daddy, so do whatever the hell you want to.
Last warning! Potential The Wheel of Time Season 1 spoilers for non-book readers lie below!
Over on the best Wheel of Time sub-Reddit, r/WoT, a new user posted what they claim are various changes from book to show in Wheel of Time Season 1. You can check the original thread, only created today in the link on the sub’s name above. However I have pasted the text below for you to look over. I will add some comments periodically as we move through. Again, this is not 100% folks, it’s just a maybe for now.
The Wheel of Time Season 1 book to show changes (rumored) Part 1
There is a sex scene in the show between Rand and Egwene (no nudity), there is however nudity present in other scenes.
Sex is never really explicit in the books but it is there. However given the way the story goes, it is odd to have Egwene and Rand sexually active already. The Two Rivers is a bit old fashioned with the old sex stuff.
Cenn is not referred to by name in the show, this was very clearly changed after filming as there are weird edits used whenever his name would normally be said.
This is oddly specific. I mean who cares whether they name drop Cenn Buie? However this sounds very off, almost like they did and then changed it post? Why would be my question?
Egwene is referred to as a Taveren, Nynaeve however is not.
Not completely sure I like this change? I’ll need to see what reasons the show has for doing so if true. Taveren Egwene? Would that not make her story arc, too easy?
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Mat is written out of the last two episodes off screen, he last appears in season 1 in episode 6. The explanation is that Mat became ill upon reaching Fal Dara.
Now, here is where I want to be especially careful. We know Mat has been recast for Season 2, Barney Harris was replaced by Donal Finn. We do not know the reasons for this change and it’s too easy to think the worst about Harris because that’s what Humans do. i.e. Harris did something bad and they cut him from the end of the show and fired him. Harris could just as easily have taken unwell, or had some kind of family situation which caused him to drop out. This kinda sounds like Harris was unavailable for the shooting of those two episodes. I’ll leave it there until something tangible comes out.
Moiraine says that she doesn’t know if the Dark One is looking for a boy or a girl (this is the explanation given for why Egwene is brought along).
This is again an odd one. Given how the world reacts to male channelers as opposed to female, the Aes Sedai would be singing happily if The Dragon could be a woman. However given the lore, the Dragon has to be a male. There are other female saviors in other ages we are told, but those are not specifically The Dragon. Surely the reason Egwene is brought along is because she has potential to be Aes Sedai? Everyone is supposed to be scared of The Dragon’s return because they know he’s male and therefore will likely go mad with the taint.
Part 2
Liandrin causes Logain’s break out by allowing the shield to weaken. She does this because Kerene mentions to her that the Black Ajah are real with the intention of allowing Logain to kill Kerene.
Ok, cool?
Perrin has a girlfriend who he marries on the night of the Trolloc attack. She dies whilst Perrin is defending himself with an Axe but it’s not clear what exactly caused her death.
This has been rumored for a while. Not sure why this change is necessary, but we shall see where it goes?
Min is a soldier at Fal Dara, she still has the same humor though.
Makes sense considering there are rumors much of the early Caemlyn plot is removed.
Nynaeve never goes to Shadar Logoth, she meets Lan after everyone has escaped from there and he asks her to help Moiraine who was injured.
The prologue is shown in episode 4, it’s done completely in the Old Tongue and Ishamael’s face is not visible during the scene.
Honestly, as long as it’s in there, I can totally see why it doesn’t need to be at the very start. It is a confusing prologue when you do not understand the story. I do really like the idea that it is all done in the Old Tongue though.
Part 3
Moiraine goes to Tar Valon before reuniting with the other characters to go to Fal Dara, she brings along no extra Aes Sedai because the hall becomes hostile towards her in light of Kerene’s death (which she is blamed for) and Siuan is unable to sway them. She instead has to leave Tar Valon in secret.
Cannot think why this would be needed, and why Moiraine would be blamed in any way for Karene’s death if she was not there when Logaine is captured? Guess we will find out?
The last episode features Ba’alzamon (portrayed through CGI) tricking Rand into using the Saidin in the Eye of the World which causes one of the seals to break. This results in the rest of the Forsaken breaking free.
I actually love this idea. I had a few issues with the whole ‘Eye of the World’ situation in the books. This actually sounds a little more fun to me. Though, in a later comment the OP did say that 12 Forsaken were named. Many book fans were sure that the Forsaken’s numbers would be reduced for the show. They also said that Balthamel and Aginor, the two Forsaken who actually appear in book 1 other than Ba’alzamon are not present in the show yet.
Overall, I will just wait and see what I think of Season 1. Adaptation will always bring change and for me it depends how the show feels. There seem to be some odd choices here, but maybe there’s reasons for them? Lastly, just remember this is not 100% and could just be a troll account, with good enough book knowledge.
As always, let us know what you think below. Do any of these potential The Wheel of Time changes from book to show in Season 1 worry you?