There was a fair bit of controversy recently when it was revealed that the producers of Netflix’s The Witcher were looking only for a non-white actor to play the part of Ciri, the adopted daughter of lead character Geralt.
This caused a bit of an uproar (to put it mildly) amongst many fans who could’t see the artistic reason for wanting to change the race of Ciri. Essentially, fans feel it all sounds like a political statement, as opposed to hiring the best actor for the role. You can catch up on the argument for and against this in the related section below, along with the news of showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich leaving Twitter due to the backlash.
RELATED: The Witcher: The New Casting Controversy Explained
Now a report on Reddit from user Scientiam, (which you can check out Here) has thrown some confusion into the mix. Normally we would not out much faith in a report by some random Reddit user, but the author of the post has passed his source information and details onto the mod’s of the sub-Reddit and they claim this is a genuine source.
“So what did they say, Cam? Hurry the hell up!” I hear you saying.
Well, to cut a long story short the source for this story claims that casting is currently taking place in Poland, and that one of the roles they will be auditioning actors for is Ciri. The report claims that they are looking for Caucasian/White Polish actors also and NOT only BAME candidates.
Now to me, if true, this sounds like a far more reasonable approach, and we discussed this a little internally as well here at LRM. Race doesn’t have to be an issue, if the casting call is for actors of any ethnicity, then it simply becomes a matter of choosing the person that comes across the best for the role no matter what their ethnicity is. This to me is proper inclusion and not just changing characters’ races to meet some demographic or diversity quota.
However, when we say that, the problem still exists if all the producers choose for roles are the White/Caucasian actors who audition. I’m not sure what the answer is, I love movies and discussing them, but don’t ask me to find solutions to the race issues that have always plagued Hollywood. I still think Ciri works best with pale skin and chalk white hair, but I’m willing to wait and see what the final product looks like before getting my underwear in a twist.
As always let us know what you think of this news in the usual place below.
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SOURCE: Scientiam (via Reddit)