The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse is a new series that continues the fun from the popular Hollywood Studios ride. In the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic Hollywood Studios unveiled a new ride titled Mickey and Minnies Runaway Railway. It is an interactive ride where Mickey and Minnie guide you through a through a wild ride on their train. The rules of physics and reality are thrown out the door and you become part of their cartoon world. What fans didn’t realize is that Mickey and Minnies story continues after the ride in a new Disney+ series titled The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse. The new series is one of the many Disney+ originals set to debut before the end of the year.
Disney+ gave fans a new look at its animated short series before it premieres on Mickey Mouse’s birthday, November 18, 2020. You can check out the new trailer below:
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In The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse, it’s nothing but fun and excitement for Mickey and his best pals – Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto – as they embark on their greatest adventures yet, navigating the curveballs of a wild and zany world where the magic of Disney makes the impossible possible. Each seven-minute short is filled with laugh-out-loud comedy, modern settings, timeless stories, new music and the unmistakable classic art style of the Mickey Mouse shorts. The series will include stories inspired by various lands at Disney parks and cameos by classic Disney heritage characters.
The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse is produced by Disney Television Animation with Emmy Award-winning artist and director Paul Rudish serving as executive producer and supervising director. Christopher Willis, the Emmy Award-winning composer of the “Mickey Mouse” shorts, also provides the music for this series.