Movies are really difficult things to make. In addition to the story stuff, you have to worry about all the other dozens of moving pieces that make the whole thing go. The pressure is much higher when you’re dealing with an adaptation, and the stakes are even that much higher in a pre-established canon of sorts. So, in a way, it’s kind of comforting to hear the directors are often filled with uncertainty.
Such seems to be the case with the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home. This movie will mark the official end of Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the transition into a completely different saga of sorts. Star Tom Holland is returning as Peter Parker, and speaking to /Film, he teased a scene that he seems excited for — but that director Jon Watts was a little less certain about.
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“There’s a scene in this film where audiences will feel like they’ve been punched in the face. Even filming it, I remember walking out and watching it again on the monitors and asking Jon, “Are you sure that’s OK?” and he’s like, “No, it’s not. People are going to hate this scene.” But God, it’s pretty crazy. But it’s very similar [to the car scene between Peter and Vulture on the way to the dance in Homecoming] in the way that it’s very tense, and it sort of whips the rug from underneath your feet. It’s pretty awesome.”
When a director says something like that, I can only imagine that it may have to do with either an important death or a huge shift in a pre-established character. Maybe it has something to do with MJ or perhaps, even more likely, with Mysterio’s character. Will he be the villain we all expect him to be or, like the Skrulls, will they do a flip-flop on what we expect?
Let us know your theories down below!
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