Trailer For The Walking Dead: World Beyond Series During Comic-Con@Home

Now that we have gotten through all of the doom and gloom of The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead, how about some… dare I say it… hope? That is the invigorating feeling that the trailer for the new AMC series, The Walking Dead: World Beyond delivered to us today during The Walking Dead panel at Comic-Con@Home. You can check it out above!


The Walking Dead: World Beyond takes place after the events of The Walking Dead series. It follows the first generation of kids that have entered into their teenage years. Unfortunately, they live in a world that has been ravaged by the zombie apocalypse. As you can see by the trailer, it has a different feel than the other series, something that can be conveyed by a group of hopeful teens that are looking for something better.

What will be great about this series is that it’s limited to two seasons. Which means we won’t need to wait around for a satisfying conclusion. The cast includes Julia Ormond, Nico Tortorella, Annet Mehendru, Alexa Mansour, Aliyah Royale, Hal Cumpston, and Nicolas Cantu. World Beyond was co-created by The Walking Dead franchise head Scott M. Gimple and showrunner Matthew Negrete.


Interestingly, for the longest time I had lost interest in the main series, but thanks to being shut down a few months ago, I was able to catch up and hype myself up for what comes next. This series seems like a breath of fresh air for the series from a different perspective. Although we are going to have to wait for the next season of the main series, this will fit in just fine.

What are your thoughts on the first trailer for World Beyond? Let us know in the comment section below!

AMC’s The Walking Dead: World Beyond premieres on their network on October 4th at 10 pm. Right after the season finale of The Walking Dead at 9 pm. After both shows air there will be a special Talking Dead episode that will cover the events of both episodes.

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Source: Collider

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