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Tron: Legacy Director Joseph Kosinski Gives An Update On Tron 3

Back in 2010, Tron: Legacy was supposed to kick off a series of new Tron films, likely a trilogy, but the film just didn’t deliver the box office numbers to warrant a sequel. Prior to seeing the film’s gross, Disney had the director of Legacy, Joseph Kosinski, developing the sequel Tron: Ascension. So, seven years later are we any closer to getting a new Tron film, either Ascension or something new? recently sat down with Kosinski, and asked him about if we would ever see Ascension as it stood seven years ago, or the more recent iteration with Jared Leto attached:

“Jared and I had actually been talking about Tron since Tron: Legacy back in 2009. We almost put him in that movie, actually in [the End of Line club] scene! So Jared’s a huge fan and we actually batted around ideas and I was talking to him about that role in Ascension, but we only got to the script stage on that. We never really moved beyond that and that’s sort of where it sits for now.”

It sounds unlikely that we will be seeing another Tron film anytime soon, with or without Leto and Kosinski.

Kosinski is next set to direct Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick, a sequel to the 1986 film Top Gun.

Would you be interested in another Tron film? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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