Obviously for Valiant Entertainment it is very important to have Bloodshot front and center as they prepare to see their character make a leap from the comic books into a feature film by Sony Pictures with Vin Diesel playing the role of Bloodshot next February. A couple of months ago it was revealed that for this years Free Comic Book Day Valiant would be offering a brand new Bloodshot story story by Tim Seely with artwork by Tomas Giorello and Diego Rodriguez on May 4th.
Today at Emerald City Comic-Con, Valiant Entertainment has announced a brand new Bloodshot series that will be launching this September, written by Seely with artwork by the amazing Brett Booth and covers by Declan Shalvey. Valiant has provided some preview pages of the amazing artwork by Booth that have been inked by Adelso Corona and colored by Andrew Dalhouse. Check them out below!
The book will be looking to have synergy with the action packed feature film. “I don’t feel like I need to reinvent the wheel with Bloodshot,” said Seeley. “What I need to do is tell a BIG, CRAZY story that can only be done in comics, and I need it to be powerful and emotional and relevant in a way only comics can do.” Seely is looking to take a fun fast paced approach with Bloodshot. “I want to go back to basics and tell a story about a guy who was made to be a weapon but isn’t allowing anyone to use him ever again. He’s an outcast, an outsider, and he can’t help but use his indestructible body to help people, even though all it ever does is get him in trouble. With great power comes a great big pile of shell casings!”
Booth commented about the joy he is having with Seely’s script. “I’ve been looking for a project I could really cut loose on,” Booth expressed. “The first issue is pretty nuts. It gets right to the action, which I love, and then sets up the rest of the story. It’s a great jumping-on point.” Seely then lets us know why Booth is the right artist for this book. “His style synthesizes what ’90s comic book artists figured out—how to do big, cool action comics that look visceral and powerful. That melds perfectly with my approach to this book.”
Since my introduction to the Valiant Universe, Bloodshot has been one of my favorite characters, especially when talking about Jeff Lemire’s that ended a few months ago. I am excited to enjoy this book panel to panel as I think this is a fantastic creative team for this book.
Are you excited for this Bloodshot titles? Let us know in the comment section below!
You can check out Seely’s short Bloodshot story at your participating comic book retailer on Free Comic Book Day, May 4th, 2019.
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Source: Valiant Entertainment