Vault Of Glass Returns In Destiny 2 And Fans Are Loving It

Destiny‘s first ever Raid, the Vault of Glass returns in Destiny 2 this week. So far it has gone down well with fans. Saturday at reset time saw the first return of Vault of Glass Raid within sequel game Destiny 2. The Vault was the first ever Raid to ship with Destiny 1 back in the day. As a D1 veteran I have completed that version of the Raid many times. As was usual in Destiny 2, the first 24 hours saw contest mode activated. This contest mode is designed to under power all players equally. This ensures that the race to complete the World’s First completion of the Raid is fair.

World’s First

Unlike most new Raids’ though, the Vault’s World’s First race was a little different. This time, as developers Bungie knew players were familiar with the Raid previously, added an extra layer. To get World’s First, any team would have to beat the standard version of the Raid in contest mode. However, they must then complete a special challenge version to claim the prize within that same 24 hours. The World’s First prize eventually went to team Elysium.

I also congratulate the team, because there’s no way I could have pulled this off. With contest mode on, it was a laborious task. My team very wisely decided to bow out and wait for it to be a lot easier on day two. There was also only four of us trying to get the Raid started. However, we figured early it wasn’t worth recruiting two players. Sadly, as of last night I still have not managed a full completion, though I was on the final boss fight.

How Is It?

Vault of Glass Opening

The mechanics have changed a little since the Raid was in Destiny 1. Whilst we got the hang of those new mechanics eventually, it did sap our time. By the time we had got the hang of the final boss fight it was time for bed for us. However we will try again this week and probably try and beat it at least once a week from now on. This new mechanics have been hailed as clever by most players because it adds a level of complexity which has become the norm within Destiny Raids, but was not present in this first iteration developed. Though there are some of course simply annoyed they can’t use their previous experience to easily beat the Raid on day one.

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However, I think the main attraction for players so far has been the nostalgia effect and the loot. The weapons’ one could receive from Vault of Glass were some of the best Destiny has ever made, so players were keen to loot those darkened tombs again in hope of even more nostalgia. The one difference this time around is random rolls. You may drop the weapon you desire, but with a horrible stat roll on it. That’s the kicker now and will encourage players to complete multiple runs to try and get the rolls they wish.

Personally, I have had no luck so far. Despite one decent roll on an LMG, I have had bad rolls on guns I was less excited to try again. But that’s RNG for you and I still haven’t finished one complete run, there’s time. Some of my buddies did get some decent rolls though, two got essentially God rolls on Fatebringer, the weapon everyone really wants from the Vault.

Smart Play Bungie

Fatebringer from Destiny 1

This strategy from Bungie is a great idea. Update the assets of old beloved Raids no longer in the game and bring them back to give players the chance to run them for new/old loot. I now expect Bungie to do this for some of the other old Raids from Destiny 1 further down the line. It’s far less work than creating new Raids, which will still happen once per year. But these remasters give us enough to tide us over between yearly Raids for now.

From what I can tell, apart from the usual crew bemoaning it’s too hard because they couldn’t beat it 5 times in 20 minutes, the fans are happy. If you are a Destiny player, even a lapsed one, now could be a good time to come back as Vault of Glass returns to Destiny 2. Leave any thoughts you have below as always.

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