The exclusive story published by Titan Books tells events following Rise of the Planet of the Apes and continuing in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. This official prequel was plotted, and written, in close collaboration with the film team. For fans of the film franchise who have questions about the characters from the film franchise, this book does a great job of filling in the blanks.
Overall, this is a nice bridge between Dawn of Planet of the Apes and War for Planet of the Apes, with the beginning of the story following Malcolm, Ellie, and Alexander from Dawn. We find out that they are still with the apes in the days following Dawn, even though the end of the film seemed to imply that they fled to search for a new territory to live in. Throughout the book there are easter eggs from the original films, such as a gorilla named Ursus and a human named Armand. I really feel some sympathy for characters like Rocket and Blue Eyes after they lost Ash in the previous film. Revelation’s story allows the reader to get to know characters such as Winter and Colonel McCullough before watching the third movie in the trilogy. An aspect I liked about this story was the development of the Colonel, which brought more intertextuality via references to Beowulf. This was a nice touch since the Apes movies have referenced literary works like those of Shakespeare.
The Planet of the Apes franchise and the similarity between humans and other animals, particularly apes, has fascinated audiences over the years, and this book doesn’t disappoint. Like the movies, this book continue to explore this theme to the point where the apes would sometimes seem even more human than well… humans. This story does that picking up shortly after the end of Dawn, the repercussions of its events can be felt. This is a perfect book for anyone desperate wanting to find out what happens after Dawn. If you’re a big fan of this rebooted franchise, you will thoroughly enjoy this book.