Below you an watch Daniel Craig’s Bond farewell speech. The video is from the wrap of filming on No Time to Die. The movie represents both Craig’s fifth, and final appearance aa the famous James Bond. So this was a goodbye to Bond from Craig as well as a wrap of the movie. Check it out courtesy of Filmthusiast.
I’m sure it is emotional for Craig to be saying goodbye to Bond as well as all the people he has worked with on the 5 movies. I think I would not be out of line by saying Craig was one of the better Bond’s over the years. I didn’t love every Craig starring Bond movie, but that was almost true or every other Bond as well. Overall though, Craig was his own Bond and all iterations have had their differences. Connery was the first, and remains my favorite, but I think Craig probably drops into second place. I also loved Timothy Dalton, who was probably most like the Bond of the Fleming books. However with only two movies made, and one of them being absolute trash, Dalton can’t quite compete with Craig.
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My least favorite Bond is actually Roger Moore. Despite Moore playing the role for the longest time and making the most movies I never quite fell for his tongue in cheek charm. I guess I like my Bond’s a little more gritty and it’s therefore easy to see where my preferences lie.
This may well be the end of this James Bond, but Bond himself will go on. There will always be someone who wants to reboot or continue making Bond movies. Bond may not be the oldest franchise in film, but with 25 movies, I still think of it as the classic franchise. The question is, as one person retires the role, who will be next to have their whole career changed by being James Bond? I have a few possibilities I’d like to see, but really we have no idea where things will go next.
What do you think of Daniel Craig’s Bond farewell speech? Are you excited to see the last Bond film with Craig when No Time to Die hits theatres this October? Sound off below.