If Quentin Tarantino were dead, he’d be rolling in his grave. I can’t think of a filmmaker who detests the idea of people watching his movies in streaming form than him. It pretty much goes completely against the handcrafted theatrical experience he tries to shoot for with his movies. He’s already been a huge proponent of seeing movies on the big screen, so I can only imagine this is like a twist of the knife for him.
So, what am I talking about? Well, way back when his most recent movie, Hateful Eight, first hit theaters, it had a limited 187-minute cut of the film. It had a full intermission and everything and it was presented on actual 70mm film, which is pretty nifty. However, once it made the wide release, it was cut down to 168 minutes in length. If you missed the long cut, though, you were basically s**t outta luck, until now…sorta.
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The folks over at /Film noticed the film is available on Netflix in its full glory, but it’s been divided up into four episodes. So while, yes, the full experience is technically now available, it’s about as far removed from Tarantino’s intended experience. Not only is it streaming, but it’s chopped up in a way that Tarantino likely had no say in.
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