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Watch This Dude Break Down The PlayStation 5 — Why Is This Beast So Big?

Ready to see this guy break down the PlayStation 5?

Okay, tech fans. This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The moment where an engineer breaks down a console. Those of you who hate PlayStation 5 will get to see Sony’s new machine in its most vulnerable state. And those of you who love PlayStation 5 will get to see what really drives the system internally. More importantly, you’ll get to see just why in the hell the console is so freakin’ big!

But enough out of me. If you want to see the console get broken down, check out the official video below.

From my perspective, I really wanted to see what justifies this system’s size. Yes, it’s a next-gen console, so we expect it to be powerful, but why is it so much bigger than literally everything else that came before it? Well, there were a few takeaways I had from this.

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For starters, we have the fan. As the engineer took the machine apart, we saw the fans basically took up the entire width of the console. I suppose with all that processing power comes a good deal of heat. You can’t run the risk of it breaking down, so I guess that’s important. Along those same lines is the console’s heatsink, which takes up roughly half the size of the console. So, yeah, a good chunk of its size seems dedicated to cooling.

Finally, there is the power supply unit, which is quite the beefy boi all by itself. 

There is also one other part of the console that’s fairly large, but it only affects the Standard Edition of the console That’s right, the UHD Blu-Ray drive. There’s a reason why many computers don’t support drives anymore. They take up way too much space, and the PlayStation 5 is too expensive.

In short, basically all the main components of the console are just plain big. It’s clear that Sony was interested in pushing the technical boundaries, even if it was at the expense of a small size.

Did you enjoy seeing the engineer break down the PlayStation 5? What did you take away from the whole deal? Sound off down below!

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SOURCE: PlayStation

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