We are a little over a month away from the first episode of Season 2 of the The Mandalorian! This show became the breakout star for Disney+ and Star Wars fans. Led by the great minds of Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, along with an amazing cast and crew, The Mandalorian introduced a new story that takes place shortly after Return of the Jedi. The central arc last season focused on the mystery of The Child and why did the Empire want it so badly. There were so many questions left unanswered from last season like “Who is Moff Gideon and how did he get the Darksaber?” “How do Din Djarin and Moff Gideon know each other?” “Who else is after The Child?” and “What is so special about The Child?”
If the first season of The Mandalorian left your head spinning then you may want to do a little homework before Season 2. Listed below are the top five Star Wars stories that you need to watch before season 2 of The Mandalorian. They are from the animated series The Clone Wars and Rebels. The reason why I chose these stories is that Dave Filoni was the main creative head for both shows. If I have learned anything from George Lucas and Dave Filoni, it’s that their stories rhyme. They are connected throughout the different mediums of Star Wars.
5. The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 6
“The Gathering” is an episode that focuses on Ahsoka Tano and Yoda taking a group of Jedi youngling to the planet Ilum to make their lightsabers. In this episode, there are a lot of references to the origins of the Jedi as well as the relationship they have with this planet. This planet has a lot of importance to the Star Wars universe, it is the home to one of the oldest Jedi temples. This is the planet where Jedi would come to get its kyber crystal for their lightsaber. It is also the planet where the First Order created Starkiller Base. In the video game Jedi Fallen Order, Cal Krestis travels to Ilum to repair his lightsaber.
The reason why you should watch this episode before Season 2 of The Mandalorian it seems from the trailer that Din takes The Child to Ilum. For what reason is unknown but the planet is strong with the force so it would make sense for The Child to go there.
4. The Clone Wars Season 7 Episodes 9-10
“The Siege of Mandalore” is a classic story from The Clone Wars series that explains what happened to Mandalore during Revenge of the Sith. The importance of this story arc is that this is the last we see of Mandalore until Star Wars Rebels. It shows us the relationship that Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Kataan have created from this war. If the rumors are true that Katie Sackoff and Rosario Dawson are indeed playing Bo and Ahsoka Season 2 of The Mandalorian, then it will be important to see how their relationship started.
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3. Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episodes 15-16
One of the most amazing scenes from the first season of The Mandalorian was when Moff Gideon cuts his way out of his Tie Fighter using the darksaber. It is one of the most mythical lightsabers in Star Wars history with whoever wields the sword gets to rule over Mandalore. “The Trials of the Darksaber” episode not only gives us a detailed background of the saber but we also see that it is not easy to wield. Since we see Moff Gideon in possession of the darksaber, it has raised a lot of questions… like how did he possess it and is he in control of Mandalore now?
2. Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Episode 1-2
“The Heroes of Mandalor”e story is the last time we see the Mandalorian clans in a bitter dispute of the rightful ruler of Mandalore. After a long battle between Clan Saxon, Clan Wren, and Clan Kryze, we see Sabine gives Bo-Katan the Darksaber, making her the true leader of Mandalore. Since this is the last time we see the darksaber before the final episode of The Mandalorian we are left with the question of what happened to Bo-Katan and how did Moff Gideon take control of the Darksaber. We also may be reintroduced to some of these clans in the second season of The Mandalorian.
1. Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Episode 13
“A World Between Worlds” is where we learn that the Emperor intends to breach the barriers between life and death as a final stepping stone to controlling the Force within the entire universe. In the story, Ezra is able to open the portal and access the void between time and space. It is at this moment that Ezra is able to save Ahsoka from her death at the hands of Darth Vader. We then learn that anyone who can access the void can manipulate life and death. This could be the mystery behind The Child since it takes someone strong with the Force to open the portal. The empire could be trying to access the void between space and time to the exact moment when the Emperor is killed and save him from his imminent demise.
In conclusion, if you are new to Star Wars or The Mandalorian then this list will be a quick crash course of the stories you need to know before Season 2.
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