Yeah, yeah, I know. Westworld Season 2 hasn’t even premiered yet, and we’re already looking ahead to the very next season. But in today’s TV world, when another season of TV is to be expected is a question worth asking. It wasn’t long ago that every TV show could be expected to begin in the fall and end in the spring.
However, things have changed drastically since then. TV is no longer the bastard stepchild of film and is often able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder alongside the other medium in terms of overall quality nowadays. But that takes time. As such, many shows don’t really premiere seasons every year, as they used to, but every 12-18 months or so. Such is the case with the Netflix show Stranger Things, such has been the case with HBO’s Game of Thrones, and based on recent comments from Westworld co-creator Jonathan Nolan, 18 months seems to be the magic number.
Here’s what he said.
“We want you excited to come back after 18 months but that you haven’t been left hanging on the edge of a cliffhanger — that doesn’t really feel fair to the audience.”
Naturally, as any outlet would do, they pursued that 18-month comment. Is this about how long they hope to produce each season? Does that mean the earliest we can expect Season 3 is 2020? Nolan responded, saying:
“It’s an ongoing conversation with our friends at HBO, and for us, with a show of this scope and scale, we’re not interested in doing the compromised version. We want the show to get bigger and bigger and more ambitious and this takes time. We want to take all the time we need to get it right.”
That’s a fair enough answer, but like Nolan’s response regarding the number of seasons they plan on going, it’s very vague. But such is the nature of the business. The creative process is unpredictable, and while it’s important to boil it down to a science in terms of how long it takes to produce content, it’s not always possible with series that are incredibly epic in scope.
Would you be okay with Westworld hitting every 18 months? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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