SPOILERS ahead for Kingsman: The Golden Circle. You’ve been warned!
If you went into Kingsman: The Golden Circle expecting to see Eggsy (Taron Egerton) fight alongside Channing Tatum’s Agent Tequila, then you were obviously left slightly disappointed. For a movie that carried his name so prominently in the advertising, it was a surprise to most that Tatum was left out of nearly all the action, and put on ice, quite literally. Instead, Pedro Pascal’s Agent Whisky spent the film gallivanting along with Eggsy and Harry Hart, which seemed like an odd choice based on Tatum’s star-power over Pascal.
If you were mystified by the decision to use Tatum is such a limited capacity, you can rest easy knowing this was not always the plan. It turns out, Pascal and Tatum’s roles were swapped, as Egerton revealed to The Hollywood Reporter when asked:
“How did you know that? There was a shift of sorts. There was some changing because of Channing’s schedule. The thing is that the script is constantly in flux.”
So, initially Tatum was to have the larger role, fighting alongside Eggsy and Harry, with Pascal left at the Stateman’s HQ. Of course, at the end of the film we did see Tatum arriving at the Kingsman tailor shop in London. So, will the already planned Kingsman 3 bring Tatum back, in the sizable role he was initially meant to occupy? Said Egerton:
“I know the next storyline. But what the fuck can I say? Not much.”
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If you paid attention to the trailers — I think I saw the Kingsman: The Golden Circle trailer more than any other at the cinema this summer — then you, like me, went in with a hunch that Pascal would have the largest role of any of the Statesman. After all, we only see Tatum in scenes with Jeff Bridges and Pascal meeting Eggsy and team, and a single fight with Tatum against Eggsy and Merlin. Meanwhile, Pascal appeared to be in every notable action scene in the trailer, even reciting Harry’s favorite mantra, “Manners maketh man.” I am personally a huge fan of Pascal’s from both Game of Thrones and Narcos, so I welcomed his larger role, but look forward to more Tatum next go around.
Where you surprised by how little Chainning Tatum was in Kingsman: The Golden Circle? Can you imagine Pascal playing Tequila and Tatum as Whisky? Let us know in the comment section below!
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SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter