The wonderfully weird Stephen King has given his thoughts on why the adaptation of his Dark Tower novel wasn’t very well received by critics or fans. The famed author recently spoke with EntertainmentWeekly and discussed how the studio’s decision to make the film PG-13 may have been hurtful:
“But I will say this, okay? The real problem, as far as I’m concerned is, they went in to this movie, and I think this was a studio edict pretty much: this is going to be a PG-13 movie. It’s going to be a tentpole movie. We want to make sure that we get people in there from the ages of, let’s say, 12 right on up to whatever the target age is. Let’s say 12 to 35. That’s what we want. So it has to be PG-13, and when they did that I think that they lost a lot of the toughness of it and it became something where people went to it and said, ‘Well yeah, but it’s really not anything that we haven’t seen before.'”
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This sounds like the all too familiar situation where studio wanted the PG-13 rating to appeal to a wider audience, namely the under 17 crowd and therefore rake in more at the box-office. As King said this caused the story to loose some of the grittiness that the book was known for, and likely doomed the film.
The Dark Tower garnered ratings on RottenTomatoes of 16 percent from critics and 47 percent from fans.
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Source: EntertainmentWeekly