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Will There Be A Season 3 Of The Mandalorian? [LRM Exclusive] And Free Talk Friday SPOILERS

It's official, a new Mando S3 trailer hits this Monday evening on ESPN. A brand-new trailer for The Mandalorian season 3.

Will there be a Season 3 of The Mandalorian? We have an exclusive answer that came from our source at Lucasfilm. This information came after I had written this column though, about some of the concerns I had seen online from fans.

I you are just here for the exclusive information, just jump past the SPOILER tags after the next image. 

Welcome to another week of my mad ramblings, speculation, predictions. It’s Free Talk Friday! Have You seen The Mandalorian season finale yet? If not, I would suggest you watch The Mandalorian Chapter 16 first and then come back. Here I will be getting into all the SPOILERS for The Mandalorian season finale, so.

Warning – SPOILERS for The Mandalorian Chapter 16 Below!






LRM reached out to sour source, and we got some word back. Here is what we were told.

According to our source, who has been proved correct a number of times so far. There will be a Season 3 of The Mandalorian. Though not sure on the exact episode count The Book of Boba Fett is not a full eight episode season and it will release in December of 2021. Our source pointed out that Kathleen Kennedy never dated The Mandalorian Season 3 as releasing December 21. Instead she said the ‘next chapter’.

From that we can surmise that The Mandalorian Season 3 may be pushed into 2022. Our source says the plan, as I suspected, is to film The Book of Boba Fett and then straight into The Mandalorian Season 3. This was always part of the plan.

We were also told to stop thinking of The Mandalorian as one linear story. This may be where the story begins, but the overall story is not necessarily linear. The Book of Boba Fett is a chapter of that story, The Mandalorian Season 3 is another chapter, as is Ahsoka and Rangers of the New Republic. Hence, the Game of Thrones analogy our source originally used to describe this collection of stories. A Mandoverse if you will and we were told that this Mandoverse is a puzzle more than a linear story.

Original Article

Chapter 16 was entitled ‘The Rescue’, and whilst thee was a lot to talk about here, I also have to be up-front. I reckon ‘The Rescue’ was the worst episode of Season 2. Saying that, I still think this episode was a hell of a lot better than either Chapter 4, or Chapter 5 from Season 1.

However, this is not a review of Chapter 16, I’ll get to that in todays episode of The Cantina Podcast with my co-host Kyle Malone. But we HAVE to talk about some of the events that transpired in Chapter 16. What does this mean for the future of the Favreau/Filoni mini-universe taking shape on Disney+.

Is there going to be a Season 3 of The Mandalorian?

Now, this one has come up given the ending to Chapter 16 amongst the fan base. Not only the ending, but the post credit scene which was used to announce The Book of Boba Fett coming December, 2021. Wait, say fans, ‘does that mean The Book of Boba Fett IS The Mandalorian Season 3′? ‘Does this mean Mando will return in either Rangers of the New Republic, or Ahsoka as a secondary character?’ Honestly I am not looking to provide a definitive answer here, because until we can get more details from our source, your guess is as good as mine.

RELATED: Mandalorian Season 3 Filming Will Not Be Delayed Due To COVID-19

However, here is how I see things. There will still be a Season 3 of The Mandalorian, and it will begin a new adventure for Din Djarin. Whether The Mandalorian Season 3 will hit in December of 2021, like The Book of Boba Fett, well, I’m less sure about that. You see the fans don’t think that Disney would have The Book of Boba Fett, and The Mandalorian Season 3 running at the same time. Remember that we have a quote (Variety) from John Favreau stating that filming would begin on The Mandalorian Season 3 before the end of this year. We also have unconfirmed reports that The Book of Boba Fett already begun filming. We also have unconfirmed reports (though from a Trade) that The Book of Boba Fett was designed a a prequel mini-series.

RELATED: New Report Says Boba Fett Show Could Be Made Sooner Than We Thought

So here is my best guess, and a guess is all this is for now. Favreau and Filoni are filming The Book of Boba Fett mini-series and The Mandalorian Season 3 back to back. December, 2021 will see The Book of Boba Fett mini-series air just before The Mandalorian Season 3 begins. It’s even possible The Book of Boba Fett will be a release dump, rather than a weekly release? If The Book of Boba Fett ends up around three episodes long, why not? We have also had some quotes from Giancarlo Esposito which reference future seasons. Look at some of the related links on this articled for the references I am making.

RELATED: Esposito Says Gideon Is Back For The Mandalorian Season 3

LRM will try to get some confirmation from our source about all this I assure you. However my current guestimate is, yes, The Mandalorian Season 3 is still coming. Our source told us that a Boba Fett spin-off show was coming, and then we have the story that pegged this as a prequel mini-series. I think the current PANIC from some fans, is just getting ahead of things. (See above, that was quick)

The Final Word

Talking of which, have you heard Luke Skywalker will be the lead star in Rangers of the New Republic? No, well that’s a surprise because since The Mandalorian Chapter 16 brought in Luke Skywalker that’s what some fans are predicting. Let me ask you one question, if Lucasfilm were going to give us a regular starring role for Luke, would they recast, or de-age? I think you already know the answer to that question, so I’ll stop right there. If firm plans were in place for the return of Luke Skywalker, then Lucasfilm, in my opinion, would have recast. The fact they did not, makes me think there are no immediate plans to bring back Luke. That means, the already confirmed Rangers of the New Republic is unlikely to star Luke Skywalker.

I’ll level with you, a recast Luke Skywalker led series, I’m in. However I did not like the de-aged version we saw in todays The Mandalorian. Never mind the idea of Luke showing up was far too predictable for my liking. ‘Hey look everyone it’s Luke Skywalker’, and the live-studio audience hollers and cheers. Leading up to a Luke Skywalker series would be great, however I have one of two stipulations. I either want the show to be animated with Hamill providing the voice work, or I want Luke recast.

What do you think? anything you want to say about The Mandalorian Season finale, the return of Luke Skywalker, or The Book of Boba Fett? Do you agree with me that Season 3 of The Mandalorian is still happening? Leave your thoughts below.


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