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William Shatner Displays His Star Wars Knowledge In Twitter Tussle

Star Trek icon William Shatner is no stranger to Twitter fights. The actor has been making his way around the circuit for a few years now. Shatner recently scored some points for the Federation of Trekkies during a recent Twitter bout. The thing is, he earned those points by laying down some Star Wars Legends knowledge.

The social media skirmish began with talk of rumors that a new Star Trek spin-off maybe feature a version of Shatner’s Captain Kirk character that’s bisexual. He then expressed that he would have no issue with that choice for the character. He also said he is fine with fans seeing his version of Captain Kirk having the same sexuality.

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A fan joined in saying Mark Hamill had the same opinion on Luke Skywalker. Another person replied saying that Jedi are similar to monks, and relationships, no matter the preference, wouldn’t be a top priority for a Jedi. And that’s when Shatner displayed his knowledge of a galaxy far, far away. You can check it out below.

Wars vs, Trek. These two nerd factions have been at war for decades. Arguing which is the superior sci-fi franchise. I guess one’s answer depends on which team you align with as well as the criteria used to measure greatness. For me, the choice is clear.

Wars > Trek.

Source: William Shatner

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