It is a weird time to release an X-Men film. Dark Phoenix will hit the big screen after Disney has purchased Fox basically meaning the film has no meaning. That the characters will be rebooted with no regard to what has come before. Basically, this movie is irrelevant. No matter how good it may be, it doesn’t matter…
There’s no denying that 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse was divisive. In my opinion, it was bad. However, there are people that both enjoy and love the Fox Studios take on the mutants. LRM Online was lucky to sit at a roundtable discussion at WonderCon where a multitude of subjects was discussed. On the idea of their characters continuing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Alexandra Shipp had this to say:
“I would and I wouldn’t (like it), because Storm barely has anything to say as it is. I don’t know about you all (other actors) but like we never talk. So it would be really nice if we weren’t piled into yet another jam packed cast, in which you only see me in the back of the shot like f***ing sasquatch.”
That sounds to me like she did this movie because of contract obligations, not a love for what Fox Studios was doing. I’ll back her up on this too. Storm is a major X-Men character. She should have always been in front of the crowd.
When asked if Shipp would like to do the romantic comedy story from the comics, between Black Panther and Storm, she said:
“No! No, I don’t think Storm needs T’Challa, and I think she needs her own movie! It doesn’t have to be me, it just needs to be made. A woman does not need a man in order to give her validity and she has also been around longer than him.”
She also said she is more powerful than the Black Panther… Well, she is wrong on at least one count. Black Panther was created in 1966 while Storm was created in 1975. Maybe she meant that Storm came first in the movies, but she should be aware that the character was underutilized in all incarnations so far while Black Panther has been a key to the MCU since his introduction in Captain America: Civil War.
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Shipp went on to express the need for the “strongest mutant” to be anything except “another white superhero.”
Dark Phoenix hits on June 7th and will mark the end of the X-Men for Fox Studios.
What do you think about Shipp’s comments? Are you excited to see this movie? Let us know in the comments below.
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Source: WonderCon