It must be difficult being George R.R. Martin. Sure, he’s become one of the bestselling authors of all-time, whose books have led to one of the most successful TV show of all-time, but with all that prestige come some negatives — mainly the immense pressure that comes with all the work to come. And it’s especially rough when you haven’t even finished the novel series on which the hit TV show as based.
In case you haven’t heard, Martin still hasn’t finished the sixth entry of his Song of Ice and Fire, The Winds of Winter, and fans have had a bad habit of…prodding him to finish. And in case you were wondering, yes, Martin knows you want that damn book, as he revealed to NPR.
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“Yes [to have millions waiting on me], especially because a certain portion of them are really impatient and snarky about it. You know, you can get one person who posts 150 messages in three days, all of which is “Where is Winds of Winter?” If any of you go home and post on your Twitter account, “Hey I was just at the Chicago Public Library Sandburg Award dinner and George R.R. Martin was there,” you know by the third message someone will say, well, “What the hell is he doing there? Where is Winds of Winter?” So at this point, it is what it is. And, you know, I should probably leave right now and go back [to] writing Winds of Winter.
“It’s very important me to finish A Song of Ice and Fire. I want to finish it. I still have two more books to do, and I want to finish it strong. So people look at it and say, you know, this entire thing is an important work, not a half-finished or broken work. I know some of the more cynical people out there don’t believe that, but it is true.”
Well, he does have a point. Not to point to the TV show, but I’m going to point to the TV show, as it was something that many fans felt was rushed and ultimately failed to live up to its potential in the end. I doubt any fans want that to happen.
Then again, I’m fairly certain fans want it all. They want the best of the best in terms of waiting without having to wait. If only it were that easy…
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