The entirety of the MCU is coming in glorious 4K. We’ve already had a few films released in this format including The Avengers and the Captain America trilogy and the upcoming Captain Marvel home video release will include a 4K edition. This should make a lot of people happy, but some of you may be thinking “I don’t buy physical discs and Netflix offers 4K, so why should I care?” Well, let me tell you why.
In a world dominated by streaming services it sometimes feels as if physical media is dead. However, those in the know about audio and visual quality still love their physical discs. Why? Because in order for the black hole that is the average person’s entertainment desire to be fed without breaking the internet most shows and movies come compressed over the net. Audio quality is usually a huge casualty in streaming. A two-hour full HD film with 7.1 channels of uncompressed audio will come in over 20 gigabytes in size. With people consuming entertainment on their mobile phones that limit data and/or bandwidth, this can cause problems and high bills. Additionally, there are still some internet service providers that limit monthly consumption too. I have a one terabyte limit with my ISP and with three people watching movies and TV shows constantly you could see why uncompressed content would be a problem. This is why even though Netflix offers a 4k plan, you’re not getting the true 4K experience.
ALSO SEE: Avengers: Don’t Expect Those Dead Characters To Be Rebooted Any Time Soon
Physical media doesn’t eat up your data plan, it doesn’t slow down your kid’s Fortnite match, and it doesn’t come compressed. This is why I buy spectacle films (films heavy on special effects) on Bluray or 4K. I want what I paid for, and yes I can tell the difference. I don’t buy everything on discs though. Honestly who needs a Bluray or 4K version of a comedy, romantic comedy, or period drama? Those films don’t really benefit too much from higher pixel counts and lossless audio. To each their own, but I’m excited about this!
Are you excited to get the MCU in true 4K? Do you still buy physical media at all? Let us know in the comments Below!
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Source: Collider