Escape Room Trailer: Check Out The Most Immersive Escape Room To Date

I love me some escape rooms. As a fan of video games and puzzle-type games in general, I’ve personally become a huge fad of the idea of escape rooms. If you’re unfamiliar, escape rooms are places you go where they lock you in a room (usually with a theme of some sort) and it’s up to you and your teammates to solve some elaborate puzzle to get out of the room. Zelda fans, eat your hearts out.

Given this current fad, it seemed to only make sense that we’d be getting a horror movie that revolves around this all too soon, and now we have one in the form of Escape Room from Sony Pictures. In the film, we see six strangers who voluntarily enter an escape room in hopes of winning one million dollars only for this to turn into the biggest nightmares of their lives.

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I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t this basically what the Saw series is all about? Yes, kind of, though I’d argue that franchise became something different as its mythology continued to grow. This is more about people solving clues rather than doing inhumane things to themselves to survive.

I know what you die-hard horror-thriller fans are saying in response to that. “What about Cube?” To that, I say, you’re right again! Clearly, this isn’t a novel concept, and it can be executed in countless different ways. If you want proof, here is another movie called Escape Room with the same exact premise.

But if you want to see that one, it’s already out, so check it if it interests you.

Which version of Escape Room looks better? Let us know down below!

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