While the movie if full of great gags, killing off the X-Force was arguably the best bit of Deadpool 2. The team was prominently featured in the trailers and tv spots, and then they were treated like beloved Game of Thrones characters during the first few seasons. While it’s a little sweeter than it is bitter, it might have been cool to see the team survive and kick people’s asses alongside Deadpool.
A few years back, Fantasy Island Director Jeff Wadlow penned an X-Force script for Fox, the project never made it to the screen, but Wadlow recently spoke with ComicBookMovie.com. and describes what his version of the X-Force was going to be like, check out what he had to say below.
“What I can share about my take on the property (as it’s not really relevant anymore since Deadpool 2 introduced Cable, and I wrote X-Force before Deadpool 1 even came out), is that it asked if X-Men was about mutants who get to go to private school with Wolverine and Professor X, and have the Blackbird swooping down to pick them up, what about the mutants that have to go to public school? What about the ones who don’t have the benefactor looking out for them, and what about the kids who have to figure it out on their own? We then would have introduced that darker, more militant mentor in the form of Cable.”
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I like that angle, it gives me a sort of The Boys vibe about the project. While the X-Men and mutants are outcasts I’m sure life is a bit easier staying with Professor X in his sweet-ass mansion and having the ability to hide from the world.
Wadlow continued:
“I plotted out this three movie arc that took X-Force from what it was in the 90s with Rob Liefeld with a band of kids fighting for what they believe in, and then by the third film, the group would have grown and changed and lost and picked up some new members, and basically turned into Rick Remender’s version of the X-Force in the early 2000s. That was a much darker hit squad and black ops team who had lost their way over the course of the three films. They’re plans which never came to fruition, but I’m super grateful to have had the opportunity to have just written the script.”
This sounds great to me. These kinds of almost-were projects always leave me dumbfounded, especially when films like Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Justice League find their way on to the big screen.
What do you think of this take on X-Force Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: ComicBookMovie.com.