Avengers: Infinity War didn’t take long to get going. Not long after Ebony Maw’s medieval heralding, fans were treated to a Marvel Cinematic Universe heavyweight bout between Hulk and Thanos. However, once Thanos became focused on the task at hand, it wasn’t much of a fight at all, and he systematically beat the s**t out of Hulk.
This is when it sort of hit me that this film may be one where the good guys, at least temporarily, don’t save the day. Mark Ruffalo, the actor who plays Hulk recently spoke with Comic Book.com and when asked if he thought Hulk could have done more in Infinity War, he mentioned he would like to see Hulk get a rematch against Thanos.
“I always think you can do more. There’s a lot of characters and everyone had to have their moment. And there’s a lot of new people. I’m waiting for a rematch.”
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Thanos gave one of the all-time great beat downs, but if in the rematch Professor Hulk faced off again Thanos, Hulk’s strength combined Banner’s Intellect would make formidable adversary, to say the least, would it be enough to defeat Thanos? Whether it would be enough or not, I ‘m not really sure, but what I do know is I would surely be buying a ticket to that fight.
Could Professor Hulk take down a Thanos powered by one Infinity Stone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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Source: Comic Book