Has the Ahsoka release date possibly been revealed? Maybe, maybe not, but we now have a date of August 31st to mull over in the latest Barside Buzz. A release date was spotted briefly on Disney Movie Insiders. The page itself in that link no longer exists, however it did have Ahsoka as August 31 release.
What I will say is that this could have simply been a placeholder. We already know August was the likely month the show would drop, just no specific date. The 31st, may just be a placeholder as said above, to indicate August is the plan for the release. Another factor to mention is that the 31st of August is actually a Thursday. So far, we’ve never had a Thursday release for a Disney+ series. It was always Friday, which changed to Wednesday with the occasional Friday. The one difference to this has been May 4th where a few things dropped of less significance.
RELATED: Filoni’s Star Wars Film To Be Titled Heir To The Empire | Barside Buzz
As said, August is likely, so we will just have to wait and see if the 31st holds or not. My thinking, is not. but I’ve been wrong before.
I’m sure by this point if you’re reading this story you don’t need me to give you the whole spiel about what Ahsoka is or who appears in it etc. Therefore, I’ll instead just say I’m really looking forward to this one and can’t wait for August, whether it’s the 31st or not.
One thing we do know is that Ahsoka is hardly a standalone show. As you can see from the related link above, writer and director of two episodes of Ahsoka Dave Filoni is also making a movie. The plot we see unfold in Ahsoka is extremely likely to lead in to that film, potentially titled Heir of the Empire, if you buy the Barside Buzz.
What do you think then of the Ahsoka release date possibly revealed? Do you think it will drop on a Thursday? As always, leave any thoughts below.