LRMonline GenreVerse

Alien: Covenant – Is Elizabeth Shaw Still Alive?

There are never happy endings in Alien movies. Sad, but true. No matter how smart or altruistic a character is, they’re bound to bite the dust sooner or later — usually in a violent and gory fashion. Even Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley met an especially horrific fate. As she descended into a lava pit below, an alien burst from her stomach, only to be engulfed by flames almost immediately. It was a fitting end for a character who had gone through hell several times up until that point.

So despite the fact that Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw managed to live through the horrors in Prometheus, it seemed inevitable that she’d meet her maker in Alien: Covenant. There are a few pieces of evidence that seem to support this. First, we’ve heard from those familiar to earlier drafts of the script that she only makes it about ten pages into the film’s runtime. Of course, that was back when it was in development, so the chances of that still being the case are slim. But it certainly seems like an indication of where director Ridley Scott’s headspace was regarding the character while developing the film.

Another check in favor of Elizabeth checking out early is the fact that Alien: Covenant will feature flashbacks to when Elizabeth and David (played by Michael Fassbender) ventured onto the same planet as the Covenant crew. This seems to indicate that she won’t make it to the present day, and for all we know, she may only exist in a series of videos that the crew stumbles upon — that part is speculation.

However, in a recent interview with Screen Rant, Michael Fassbender — who plays both David and Walter in this film (two androids of the same model) — it seemed a bit telling that he spoke of David and Elizabeth’s relationship in the present tense:

“[Their relationship is] like any good marriage. [Laughs.] There’s a real affection there between the two of them. I think they get on each other’s nerves. Well, he gets on her nerves rather. But I suppose they went through quite a lot together in Prometheus. So there is a bond there, for sure.”

It seems it would be a weird thing to say if Elizabeth and David were doomed before the film even started. That being said, this could have been intentional on Fassbender’s part to get us thinking. Also, whenever speaking to an actor regarding characters’ relationships, they have a tendency to speak in the present tense, no matter the fate of the character, so we may very well be reading into this a lot more than we should.

That being said, Elizabeth went through some real hell in Prometheus. She had to see her husband and crew die in horrible ways, and even worse, she had to give herself a c-section to get an alien parasite out of her gut. If there is one character who deserved to continue on living, it’s Elizabeth.

What do you think of Fassbender’s comments? Do you think Elizabeth and David will exist beyond flashbacks in the film? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Alien: Covenant hits theaters on May 19, 2017.

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SOURCE: Screen Rant

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