Anime Recommendations: 3 Newer Shows, 1 Classic, And A Must See Movie | Daily COG
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In today’s episode, Kyle (@ThatKyleMalone) and NOT Christine (@adorabledoom) entertainment news from across The GenreVerse. Okay, it’s only one part of the GenreVerse and that’s Anime. Kyle is flying solo, but has some Anime recommendations for everyone from the casual noob to the old timer looking for something new. It’s never to late to get into, or back into, Anime.
00:00- Intro & Anime Vs. The West: Entertainment Wars
07:00- Tonikawa: Over The Moon For You- A Married Couple Focus… In Anime!
10:12- Dr. STONE- Post-Apocalyptic Stone World Meets Ancient Past (Today) Scientist
14:35- SSSS.Gridman- Part Ultraman, Part Power Rangers, Part Mental Health Crisis
18:34- The Vision Of Escaflowne (2016 Dub)- The Best Final Fantasy Anime Ever
22:51- Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop- The Perfect Self-Discovery Anime Movie For All Ages
25:03- Final Thoughts
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The Daily Cup of Genre (DailyCOG) is the preeminent podcast of LRM’s GenreVerse Podcast Network. What is The GenreVerse? It is everything you have ever loved, all in one place. From Star Wars to Star Trek, Anime to Disney princess movies, and PlayStation to the NES… The GenreVerse is as limitless as the multiverse of DC and Marvel. This show takes all of that, adds chaos, and delivers you entertainment. Make us your first stop every Monday through Friday, welcome to the Daily COG and enjoy the show!
ALSO SEE: Sabikui Bisco Episode 1 Review: WTF Did We Just Witness?!? | Anime-Versal Reviews
We have SO MANY podcasts! Anime-Versal Reviews Podcast covers anime (duh!), No Mercy covers Cobra Kai, and the Marvel craze continues with reviews on Marvel Multiverse Mayhem. Also, classics like BGRtP, The Cantina Podcast, and The Daily COG are still going!
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Question(s) of the day: What Anime would you recommend for us to watch? Also, do you like any of the recommended shows? Lastly, how can the Daily COG improve?
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