Author: Nick Doll

Nick Doll

Cinephile. Streaming addict. Kevin Feige may be my God, but I love Mission: Impossible(!), 007, DC, Indiana Jones, and so much more. Writer. Certainly most comfortable writing. Comic enthusiast. Really, just a Hell of a Geek!

Zak Penn Comments On The Matrix Reboot, Calls It ‘Inaccurate News’

The big news of the week, much to everyone's horror, is that Warner Bros. is reportedly in the early stages of developing a Matrix Reboot. Been living under a rock all week? Yup, you read

Steven Spielberg’s The Post Is Being Fast-Tracked For Release Before Next Academy Awards

Steven Spielberg. Tom Hanks. Meryl Streep. Sounds like a team bound for Oscar glory, no?  This "dream team" has assembled for the film The Post, about the Washington Post's involvement in exposing the Pentagon Papers

Kong: Skull Island’s Director Prefers A Spin-Off With This Unexpected Character

King Kong has had his fair share of screen-time over the decades. Kong was introduced to the world in 1933's King Kong, followed by sequels, remakes, and even a monstrous crossover event in 1962, King

Baby Driver Review: The Definition Of Cool

Writer/Director Edgar Wright is known for his unique films that both satarize and embrace whatever genre he chooses. We're talking Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and The World's End.