AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR – Thanos’ Goal In The Film Revealed, And It May Not Have To Do With Death

“Humans… They are not the cowering wretches we were promised. They stand. They are unruly, and therefore cannot be ruled. Tochallenge them is to court death.”

It was on that ominous quote from The Avengers that a big, hulking brute turned towards us to reveal Thanos, one of the biggest bads in the Marvel comic book universe. Those familiar with the epic Infinity Gauntlet storyline knew right away that the line, “court death,” was likely to be written as “court Death,” with a capital D. In an attempt to win the affections of the character of Death, Thanos sets off on a quest to kill off a good chunk of the universe — and thus the events of Infinity Gauntlet are set forth.

Given that quote from the mysterious character at the end of Avengers, it seemed to make sense that we’d eventually get that plotline of Thanos working tirelessly to win over Death. However, it can’t be forgotten that Marvel Studios has a history of merely taking inspiration from the comics — rather than stealing from them wholesale — and there is no reason to think that Avengers: Infinity War would be any different.

This brings us to one big question: how much inspiration are they taking from the book, and will Thanos’ motivation be as cut and dry as they were in the comic?

Doctor Strange recently had its Digital HD release, and in it, they a special Phase 3 feature, which peeked into Avengers: Infinity War a bit. In the featurette, co-writer Stephen McFeely outlined what Thanos’ ultimate goal is in the flick:

“His goal is to re-balance the universe as he sees it. So when he figures out that the Infinity Stones could do this form him at the snap of a finger, that becomes his main goal.”

What does it mean to “re-balance” the universe? You got us. Maybe the Avengers are quickly becoming too powerful for the rest of the universe, and Thanos feels the need to intervene in some way.

Also of note: absent from that goal is any mention of Death. Now, there are two possibilities here. Possibility number one is that McFeely laid out the goal in the broadest of terms, and that Death will still play an integral role. After all, the whole idea of “restoring balance” still applies in that Thanos is trying to balance out life and death. Possibility number two is that Death will play no role, and that the quote from Avengers will only live on as an Easter egg and homage to the source material, rather than a foreshadowing of what’s to come.

What do you think of this reveal? Will Death have a role to play, or do you think it’s smart that they made this story less about the infatuation Thanos has with some creepy lady? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 4, 2018.

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SOURCE: Marvel (via Doctor Strange Digital HD Release)

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