Oscar-nominated actor, Bryan Cranston, who over his career has shown a wide range of talents, from starring on a family sitcom to being a meth dealer in arguably one of the greatest shows of all time, wants to leave his mark on the superhero world. Speaking recently with ScreenGeek at New York Comic-Con, Cranston was asked the type of villain he would like to portray.
“I want to play an antagonist a fraction smarter than the protagonist, never dumbed down to give the hero an easy win. That’s frustrating and boring to watch.”
When informed this lined up with Minster Sinister, Cranston said that was who he had in mind all along.
“Actually, that was the character, I’ll admit. Mister Sinister was the character I was thinking about.”
Cranston says he had Mister Sinister in mind because he wants to take a role that hasn’t been done before by another actor.
“I guess it’s a selfish standpoint. I don’t want to do a character that has been done several times before. I don’t want to be compared like “well, his Commissioner Gordon was yada yada yada” . I don’t want to do that. I want to take something that hasn’t been done.”
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Cranston has expressed interest in playing the character before, and was once rumored to be up for the role of another prominent comics villain in Lex Luthor, of course, we now know that didn’t happen, but thinking about it, with Cranston’s versatility, he most likely would have nailed it. I can think of no one better for Mister Sinister, and Cranston would be a nice addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
How would you feel about Cranston being cast as Mister Sinister? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: ScreenGeek