Coming Soon: Temperature Checks At Disneyland?

Have you given thought about what you might do when we are free to do as we please once again? Disneyland maybe? But what is that post COVID-19 world going to look like? Are people going to go back to “business as usual”? Or will everyone be traumatized by the idea of getting sick? Obviously there are a ton of questions that come up as we think of what comes next.

Disney executive chairman Bo Iger did an interview with Barron. Via Deadline we learned that he talked about some of the changes that Disneyland might implement post-COVID-19. In order to make their visitors more comfortable, the company may implement a temperature check at its theme parks. “One of the things that we’re discussing already is that in order to return to some semblance of normal, people will have to feel comfortable that they’re safe. Some of that could come in the form ultimately of a vaccine, but in the absence of that it could come from basically, more scrutiny, more restrictions. Just as we now do bag checks for everybody that goes into our parks, it could be that at some point we add a component of that that takes people’s temperatures, as a for-instance,” Iger said.


Iger commented that they are monitoring the situation in China close as they try to return to normalcy. Mentioning that there is a high probability that there will be many workplaces, schools and forms of transportation that will probably not allow you in without taking your temperature. So why shouldn’t theme parks be any different?

True this would make the entrance lines at theme parks longer and people may feel very inconvenienced. But he used the example of tragic events of 9/11 that also changed the way we did things. In the long run people accepted the changes and now just see it as a normal way of life.

“So we’ve asked ourselves the question, let’s prepare for a world where our customers demand that we scrutinize everybody. Even if it creates a little bit of hardship, like it takes a little bit longer for people to get in. Just as the case after 9/11 where people ultimately lived with the notion that in order for them to enter a building, if you’re in an office building you have to show a picture ID or get your picture taken and be screened. Or in order to enter a park you have to put your bags out there to be checked and you go through some kind of metal detector. Or certainly what’s going on in airports with the TSA,” said Iger.

It will be interesting to see how theme parks handle re-opening. Many people after months of being cooped up in their homes may try to flock to those places. To avoid this problem, it’s my opinion that for the first few weeks theme parks should limit the number of guests they will allow in their parks per day. Ease into allowing their park to even get close to filling to capacity. As for temperature checks, I think for most people it would be a welcoming gesture.


Do you think theme parks like Disneyland should check your temperature when they re-open? Let us know in the comment section below!

Currently Disneyland and the rest of the Disney theme parks are all shut down until further notice.

Source: Deadline

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