Corey Feldman on The Power of Human Energy in Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible Documentary [Exclusive Interview]

Cory Feldman
Corey Feldman in Documentary Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible

Corey Feldman feels otherworldly after being in the documentary Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible.

With the invitation by futurist Caroline Cory, Feldman was excited to perform a couple of human experiments that showcase the extrasensory powers in a normal person.

The documentary features a few celebrities and regular people in various experiments to provide tangible evidence and real-life examples of the power of the human mind over matter.

Other scientific experiment volunteers and interview subjected included Naomi Grossman, Rachele Brooke Smith, Karina Smirnoff, Robert Picardo, Michael Dorn, Tom Campbell, Dean Radin, Rudolph Schild, Glen Rein, and Jim Gimzewski.

The project is directed by Caroline Cory of Omnium Media. She is a best-selling author of books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, which topped book charts in consciousness science and mystical literature.

Corey Feldman participated in a couple of experiments in the documentary. One experiment utilized the power of sound that can travel within a wire cord between two recording devices. One of the recording devices had no batteries and it was able to pick up the recorded message. The second experiment demonstrated the power of human body heat as it leaves traces of energy on physical objects.

ALSO READ: Naomi Grossman On Using Mind Powers in Documentary Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible [Exclusive Interview]

LRM Online spoke with Corey Feldman on a Zoom interview conversation as he was vacationing with his family during this pandemic. He is very supportive and excited about this documentary. Additionally, he talked about the future of a The Goonies sequel and the fate of his documentary My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys.

Feldman was a well-known child actor, who was in many 80s fan-favorite films, including Stand By Me, The Lost Boys, The Goonies, and Gremlins. His filmography stretched to over 133 films and television projects ranging from action to comedy and to even horror.

Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible is available today on DigitalHD, Cable VOD, and DVD.

Watch our exclusive interview below and let us know what you think.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive, Omnium Media

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