Black Boys director Sonia Lowman Interview
Sometimes it’s hard to talk about social inequalities when you grow up in a place like Berkeley, California. Blessed in the sense that I was always around a diverse group of people, I always thought that things were just fine. Of course, I was wrong. This year has been an eye-opening experience for a lot of Americans as we have been witnesses to the social outcry for justice for all.
Just at the right time comes the film, Black Boys from filmmaker Sonia Lowman. It is currently streaming on Peacock. It’s a film that illuminates and celebrates the full humanity of black men and black boys in America. It explores different parts of the person including the body, mind, voice, and heart. This is done via intimate, intergenerational conversations and stories.
It’s a deeply moving film that is done in a very intelligent way. Where Lowman takes the issues that plague the black community all while showing us the various personalities that are so often ignored because of the color of their skin. She sits down with everyone from kids to adults, teachers, and celebrities to get a wide variety of point of views. There are some very emotional and personal interviews that really make you think. It’s an impactful film that everyone should enjoy.
Interview with Sonia Lowman
LRM Online had to opportunity to talk with Lowman to talk about her film Black Boys. In our conversation, we talk about a variety of subjects. Including the process of making the film as well as it’s social commentary. We cover many topics that we could have talked about for hours. I will also recommend everyone check out her other film, Teach Us All, that focuses on school inequalities. You can check out our interview below!
Sonia Lowman’s Black Boys is now available on the Peacock streaming service.