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Disney Creating Star Wars Live-Action & Marvel Series For Their Streaming Service

It sounds like Disney is (rightfully) going all in on their streaming service. Disney had an investors call recently, and Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Fritz took to Twitter to reveal that the conglomerate is doubling down on big IP and creating live-action Star Wars series and Marvel series (he didn’t specify whether this would be live-action, but we can imagine it being both), in addition to series based on Monsters, Inc.

This reveal would be a dream come true for Star Wars fans, who have been waiting patiently for a live-action series to hit Netflix. With Disney going off into their own service, it makes sense that they’d wait until now to make it a reality.

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The Marvel reveal is a bit disheartening — not because we think it’ll be bad. Disney has a fairly solid track record with their streaming shows. But it does seem to make it all the more evident that they have little interesting in continuing their relationship with Netflix going forward. Why bother with continuing on with The Defenders when you can bring it all to your own service right? That being said, those series are markedly darker than most of Disney’s brand, so there still may be a home for Marvel at Netflix to some capacity.

The Monster, Inc. thing is also interesting. For the most part, Pixar has been pretty precious about the use of their IP. Hopefully Disney will be respectful in this department, and won’t turn this into a Planes situation, where the content turns into shovel-ware.

All in all, this is pretty great news. When it was first announced that Disney would be making their streaming service, I worried they would rely to heavily on their theatrical films. But this move here really shows they understand that the success of this streaming service will rely on their original content. Needless to say, they’ve locked down millions of subscribers by including these brands in their service.

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SOURCE: Ben Fritz

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