Like many kids of the ‘90s, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was one of those pivotal movies for me. I remember watching that VHS growing up, with the green edge, and for many years, I played that sucker on repeat until it wore out. As a side note, it helped develop my sister’s irrational fear of aliens — one she still hasn’t gotten over to this day — but that’s neither here nor there. Point is, the movie was important to me.
There were few more heartbreaking moments as a kid than watching E.T. say “I’ll be right here” while pointing to Elliot’s heart, before going up into his spaceship, never to be seen again. Or is he actually never to be seen again…?
Xfinity has made a nearly five-minute commercial that shows E.T. visiting Elliot 35 years after disappearing. Check it out.
Yes, it’s sappy. Yes, it’s silly. Yes, it’s nothing but a pathetic excuse to show off all the ridiculous Xfinity stuff, but it still manages to strike a small chord with me in the most shallow of ways.
Also, can we appreciate the fact that the kid they hired to play Elliot’s son looks almost exactly like Elliot as an actual kid?
Anyway, what do you think of all this? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Xfinity