In September of 2013, Stephen King released his sequel to his 1977 bestseller The Shining. The book, Doctor Sleep, quickly rose to the top of The New York Times Best Seller List and eventually won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel. While there had been plans for a movie, Warner Bros. struggled in developing a budget. Now, with the success of the IT remake, Doctor Sleep has been given the green light and now a name has been attached to play the main character.
Ewan McGregor has signed on to play Danny Torrance in the film adaptation of Doctor Sleep. Mike Flanagan, who directed Netflix’s adaptation of Stephen King’s novella Gerald’s Game, will be behind the camera as director. Trevor Macy and Vertigo Entertainment’s Jon Berg will serve as producers with Warner Bros. still in charge of distribution.
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In the novel, Danny Torrance, the young son of Jack and Wendy Torrance in The Shining, is a grown adult and still dealing with his abilities that he first experienced at the Overlook Hotel. Like his father, he starts down a dangerous path of alcohol and rage until he comes into contact with a young girl in a hospice who shares his “shining” abilities, and who is also being targeted by a group with the same capabilities.
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Source: Variety.