Final Fantasy 16 Official Site Offers Characters, Kingdoms, and World Breakdown | LRMornings

Final Fantasy 16 Official

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Start your day geek with LRMorningsLRM‘s daily morning show with Kyle and Jammer (some others too). Join them as they discuss entertainment news and all things geek. From Star Wars to comic books and Netflix to Disney+, Video Games to the MCU, and even trips down Memory Lane… We talk about it all!

ALSO SEE: Sean Connery: A Fan’s Goodbye

In today’s episode, Kyle is joined by Jammer to discuss entertainment news, including The upcoming Final Fantasy XVI. The Final Fantasy XVI Official Site offers a good look at the upcoming game.

Kyle also has a theory, amongst others apparently, that this game may be set in the distant past or future of Ivalice, the world from Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy Tactics. Many people don’t know this, but we’re not sure we’ve seen a complete map of the world of Ivalice, and there is a 1,000-year gap between XII and Tactics. Literally, anything is possible!

Check out the site here:

Final Fantasy 16 Official Site

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Question of the day: With Connery dead at 90, what was your favorite Sean Connery movie?

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