Well that escalated quickly! Fear The Walking Dead Season 2 has really focused on a more spiritual approach of dealing with the Zombie Apocalypse. Last weeks episode had a heavy focus on Nick’s spiritual walk leading him to a colony that is holding hope that they will wait out the end of the world. “Los Muertos” picked up Nick’s story and also picks up with Madison, Strand, Alicia, and Ophelia.
Nick continues to figure what he wants to become in the apocalypse. The further that Nick gets himself cleaner of drugs he begins to realize that there is more to life than he realized. Just like at Celia’s place Nick has befriended himself with the leader of the colony who is a pharmacist who has seemed to survived a bite from a zombie. Nick also comes to realize that the people he is living with have a different perspective of the zombies. They look at the dead as protectors and when someone is bitten and is near the end they will join the zombies at the wall. Nick slowly comes to the realization that he may not be in a safe haven. To get more supplies Nick is pulled along to a grocery store that is being controlled by a rival gang who swaps out food/water for drugs. Where Nicks true potential came through is when he was able to negotiate his way out of stealing from the gang to get a candy bar for a little girl. That one scene showed that Nick really has figured out what people want most now during this time period.
The other half of the show picked up with Madison, Strand, Ophelia, and new leader Alicia. After searching for Nick, Travis, and Chris the group decides to head back o the Abigail just to realize that the ship is gone. With no supplies and shelter the group decides to head to a hotel they think has supplies. This is where the show really picked up. Following the same script that a majority zombie movies follow we are led to believe that the hotel is safe for the group just to be proven wrong at the end. Strand and Madison’s drunken bar scene allowed us to see Madison in a vulnerable state and find out that her first husband died because he was under the influence. Alicia finally took charge of the group and started making the bigger decision. Scouring the hotel for supplies Alicia gets stuck in a room because of Strand and Madison’s drunken stupidity. Ophelia really didn’t have a strong moment this episode except for a small interaction with Alicia where we find out that she has lost hope and wants to die.
The big reveal of this episode was seeing that Alejandro was bitten and survived the bite. Although we know from “The Walking Dead” that everyone is infected it raises the question of how he was able to survive.
Overall this episode picked up in tone where “Grotesque” left off. I am definitely more invested in this show now that the group has split up and we get to see the characters grow. Next week’s previews makes it seems that we will find if Travis was able to save his son. Fear The Walking Dead is now heading in the right direction.