The Game of Thrones spinoff, House of the Dragon now has a premiere date, or rather premiere year. The story set 300 years before the original show will most likely air in 2022 says HBO president Casey Bloys. This will be HBO’s second attempt at a spin-off show, as the series with the working title, Bloodmoon, was scrapped.
That series was set long, long before Game of Thrones, around 8,000 years. The series moving forward should be much easier to get going as well as being much more familiar to the fans.
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Quite a wait for sure, but I think most fans of Game of Thrones will be over their heartbreak of how the original show ended by then and be ready to return to Westeros. It’s probably a smart move by the network to go with a fan favorite house, such as the Targaryens, especially after the last season of the original show, Game of Thrones, left he fanbase split, at best.
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Source: Variety