Next month will see the release of Dwayne Johnson’s next big budget extravaganza, Skyscraper. As only Johnson himself could pull off, Skyscraper brings with it a campy, over-the-top premise that really pushes the boundaries of believability. Can a man really jump from a huge crane onto the side of a building? Probably not, but I’m hopeful that this movie will convince me it’s possible.
The main way Johnson tends to do that in his film is through creating likable characters. Give the audiences a grounding in their personality and motivations, and you’re likely to let some things slide. With Skyscraper, they look to be doing that in two ways — his amputated leg and his family. In giving him an amputated leg, it sort of knocks him down a peg, making him just a little bit more relatable. In turn, the event of losing his leg led him to his family, which, in turn, fuels his motivation.
In the behind-the-scenes featurette, they spend a good amount of time focusing on Johnson’s Will Sawyer, and how the events of his past have shaped his character. However, that’s not the only focus. They also take on the baddies of the film, who they tout as smart people. Could he be a villain to rival Die Hard‘s Hans Gruber? A part of me doubts it, but you never know.
Are you looking forward to Skyscraper? Sound off down below!
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SOURCE: Universal Pictures