Yesterday saw the release of the Godzilla Vs Kong trailer. When I watched it, I was honestly kinda a annoyed as a Godzilla fan more than a Kong fan. My son, who is a Kong fan, was very happy with the trailer, so what gives?
Check it out below, but the trailer seemingly to me showed Godzilla playing the antagonist and Kong the protagonist. To me that says Kong is going to kick some Zilla butt and as a fan of Godzilla this annoys me. Whereas my son, being a Kong fan, thinks it looks great and he wants to see Kong kick Zilla butt. Check it out for yourself.
Now, more than likely this is al being set up by some nefarious Humans. Most fans, myself included believe that by the end of the movie Kong and Godzilla will team up to fight whatever bad monster the bad guys have got. This seems the most likely option and in some ways the movie feels a little like BvS. I’m not the first to suggest this by any means, and it makes a lot of sense based on this trailer.
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So what is really going on? Did you spot Mecha-Godzilla at all in the trailer? Watch it again, and you will spot 2-3 times that Mecha-Godzilla is shown or referenced.
So there seems to be two red herrings at play here. For one, Godzilla seems to be affected by some sonic device likely something similar to what was used in the last movie, but instead of calming him, it enrages him. But at the same time it could be that Mech-Godzilla is causing havoc which Godzilla is being blamed for. Either way it seems like the good guys draft in Kong to help them against Godzilla.
We also know there was plans afoot to mechanize Ghidorah. So my bet is that Kong and Godzilla need to team up against Mech-Godzilla and Mech-Ghidorah as the final showdown. Though Kong also appears to be somewhere near the center of the ‘Hollow Earth’ fighting smaller monsters so who knows for sure?
I just know that as a Godzilla fan, I do not want to see Kong take over as the King of the Monsters. But then, as said above, I am clearly biased. What do you think of this latest Godzilla Vs Kong trailer?