The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. Sure, I may have just quoted Galadriel’s opening monologue in The Lord of the Rings, but it’s something that you can pretty much say about any industry nowadays. We live in a time of rapid change, where technology is evolving how business is done on every level, but perhaps it is most apparent in the entertainment industry.
Of course, this very much applies to the world of streaming television. Not too long ago, Netflix was alone in this new frontier. But as it has been more successful for them, Studios have seen the benefit of opening up their own streaming services. This changes the way the only television shows are distributed but also the way films are created and distributed. Guillermo del Toro, the man behind such movies as The Shape of Water, recently spoke with Collider about how this change has affected him and others he knows:
“I think the landscape is changing and in the next five years it’s going to change tremendously. All the studios are preparing their own streaming platforms, so it’s not a matter of a single entity streaming at all. I’ve been trying to make Pinocchio for ten years and I’ve gone through every studio in Hollywood and they all said no. So whoever says yes I make it I with that person and I think it’s the same with the Coen Brothers with The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and it’s true for Alfonso in the case of Roma.”
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Though while streaming has changed the way movies come about, del Toro isn’t one to demonize or pine for the days of old:
“I’ve loved watching movies my whole life. It’s interesting to note how when silent cinema became sound cinema everybody said it was the end of the movies and when television appeared they said it was the end of movies. When Blockbuster Video came into homes it was the end of movies. But they don’t end; they change. There is a duty for us to keep telling stories and most important is the ambition of the stories we want to tell and the freedom that we have to tell them.”
Amen, hermano. While I respect folks like Tarantino and Nolan, this tendency to cling to traditions of the past is something that, I believe, overly romanticizes the superficial aspects of the industry, and if we want it to remain relevant in the increasingly-competitive entertainment industry, true evolution must occur.
What do you think of del Toro’s comments? Do you agree with him? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Collider