House Of The Dragon Episode 3 Review – Still Epic – Still Thrilling

House Of The Dragon Episode 3 Review - Still Epic - Still Thrilling

It’s time for House of the Dragon Episode 3 review, and once again the bar is set high in another epic and thrilling episode of the Game of Thrones prequel. Great performances, great visuals, and always shocking and thrilling to watch unfold.

This will be as where possible a SPOILER FREE review. I might have to mention one or two details, but for the most part I feel like I can express my thoughts without getting into the weeds. So here we go.

King Viserys

Despite there being a lot of threads going on at once this week, I felt like this was an episode all about King Viserys. At times It feels like you are watching the only sane man in a nation full of lunatics. Considine is great here as the now ageing Kind Viserys, besieged on all sides for input and decisions. Viserys may not be the greatest decision maker, he does procrastinate and often this is a mistake. However, this week we get to see the madness he has to deal with through his eyes.

The whole business with a Stag as well as one particularly laughable suggestion made to Viserys about his infant son really highlight how pompous and self important the whole ridiculous idea is. Meanwhile there are matters Viserys should be handling and he is not, and this is where we will we the widening gap between Viseys and his brother Daemon.

Time Jump 1

This week we get the first of presumably quite a few times jumps that will happen within Season 1. Between 2-3 years have passed between Episode 2 and 3, however it does not take us long to catch up where everyone is.

Writers are always told to avoid time jumps wherever possible because they are rarely appreciated by audiences. I’m not so sure, I was looking forward to seeing how this would function and it felt seamless to me.

Action and Spectacle

House Of The Dragon Episode 3 Review - Still Epic - Still Thrilling

There are some great action and battle scenes in Episode 3, most involving Daemon in some way, Daemon is fats becoming one of my favorite characters. It’s not that he’s a good man, hes an interesting character to observe though and I thought most of his actions this episode rather thrilling to watch. We got dragons, full scale sword battles, and more this week and it felt epic.

I always feel like Thrones, and by proxy HotD are not really about the fantasy action on screen. However when it is done well, as it so often is, it does elevate the show beyond what ultimately is a Soap Opera style plot, and I don’t say that as negative, what I mean is intense over the top drama.

RELATED: House Of The Dragon Episode 2 Review – New Titles Not As Good As The Story

Ultimately this was another great episode and the stage is being set very nicely for what’s to come. You can see it even if you don’t know the book details. The writing is on the wall in every scene and yet how that comes about is usually always more entertaining than you expected in this universe.

Top class TV again from HBO.


What did you think of my House of the Dragon Episode 3 review? What did you think of the Episode itself? Leave your own review below if you can and let us know what you think. There’s space below if you can.

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